84 research outputs found

    Possibly Oriental elements in Slavonic folklore : kłobuk

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    The paper discusses a mythical creature known in Polish folklore as kłobuk, how it got its name, the Slavonic background of the word, and its relation to Turkic kalbuk. Usually, the Slavonic word is derived from Turkic; phonetic problems are sometimes mentioned but they do not tend to be viewed as critical. The present paper approaches this established etymology with more reservation and concludes that both Slavistic and Turkological work is necessary in order to connect the two words with an acceptable degree of probability.Bu yazıda Polonya folkloründe kłobuk olarak bilinen mitolojik bir varlık tart şılmakta, bu ismin nasıl alındığı, sözcüğün Slav dillerindeki tabanı ve Türkçe kalbuk ile bağı değerlendirilmektedir. Esasen Slav dillerindeki sözcük Türkçeden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bazen fonetik sorunlardan bahsedilirse de bu eleştirel olarak görülme eğiliminde değildir. Mevcut makale varolan etimolojiye kuşku ile yaklaşır ve hem Slavistiğe hem de Türkolojiye ait çalışmaların kabul edilebilir derecede bir olasılıkla iki kelimenin ilişkilendirilmesi için gerekli olduğu sonucuna varır

    Dvočlenski slovanski antroponimi v slovenski toponimiji

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    Among Slovenian toponyms formed from anthroponyms, 162 two-element Slavic anthroponyms have been found (including seven epithets of the type Mokronog, but without prefixed names of the type *Postoj or names with negation of the type *Nerad), of which 118 are in place names (102 in Slovenia, fourteen in Austria, two in Italy), as well as six in oronyms, two in hydronyms, eighteen in names of hamlets, eighteen in names of former or renamed settlements, and two in oeconyms.V slovenskih izantroponimnih toponimih je bilo ugotovljenih 162 dvočlenskih slovanskih antroponimov (vštevši 7 kolektivnih vzdevkov tipa Mokronog, vendar brez predponskih imen tipa *Postoj ali imen z zanikanjem tipa *Nerad), od tega 118 v krajevnih imenih (102 v Sloveniji, 14 v Avstriji, 2 v Italiji), še 6 v gorskih imenih, še 2 v vodnih imenih, še 18 v imenih zaselkov, še 16 v imenih izginulih ali preimenovanih naselij in še 2 v hišnih imenih

    Polska w „nowym ruchu słowiańskim”. Z działalności Komitetu Słowiańskiego w Polsce w latach 1945-1947

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    „…co się stanie w najbliższej przyszłości…” Z listów Marii Dąbrowskiej i Anny Kowalskiej z 1946 roku

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    Na wybór z korespondencji Marii Dąbrowskiej i Anny Kowalskiej z 1946 roku składa się siedemnaście listów. Ograniczono zestaw, mający zaprezentować całoroczną korespondencję obu pisarek złożoną z 391 listów, do marca 1946 roku, aby stanowiły one spójną tematycznie całość. Listy, poza problemami w relacji przyjaciółek, dotyczą spraw codziennej organizacji życia w trudnym okresie tuż po wojnie, kontynuowania pracy literackiej oraz w dużym stopniu daleko posuniętych obaw co do wybuchu nowej wojny

    O potrzebie szerszych badań nad współczesną śląszczyzną

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    The author starts from showing the achievements of researchers in terms of collection, description and academic preparation of Silesian vocabulary. Next she moves on to present the most important gaps in this respect, emphasizing above all the necessity to examine the contemporary Silesian language, separation of the historical and contemporary material and the importance to examine the meaning and emotional as well as expressive value of words in different regions and age groups

    On the early history of Val Resia and some of its toponyms or: How the Resians lost their name

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    On the basis of the earliest toponyms and administrative documents pertaining to Val Resia a hypothesis on the Alpine Slavic settlement, the original name of these settlers and the early Medieval development of the valley is proposed. The identical name for the village of San Giorgio and for the valley as a whole during this period turns out to be an important fact in favour of this hypothesis

    Jerzy Wolny

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    The article presents a profile of Rev. dr hab. Jerzy Wolny.Artykuł prezentuje sylwetkę ks. prof. dr hab. Jerzego Wolnego

    Idea w służbie propagandy : Komitet Słowiański w Polsce 1945-1953 na tle ruchu nowosłowiańskiego

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    After the Second World War, the cooperation of Slavic people was treated by the com‑ munist authorities as the basic determinant of the internal and external policy of the country. It was seen as a guarantee of peace and safety in post -war Europe. Moreover, according to the recommendations of the Soviet Union, it was supposed to serve the purpose of the Sovietization of the society. Additionally, it was supposed to convince the society about the value of an alliance with the Soviet Union in the eyes of the Slavic nations. The Slavic Committee was the main organization responsible for promoting the idea of Slavic unity. Since it had acquired mass appeal, its activities were supported by Polish -Slavic Friendship Societies – mainly by the Polish -Soviet Friendship Society. Missing and incomplete data in archival materials makes it impossible to identify the father of the idea of establishing the Slavic Committee in Poland.  The only thing that is clear is the fact that the work on its establishment began in June 1945. With an initial focus on national structures, the work was initiated by Warsaw intellectuals, and inspired by communist authorities. Almost at the same time in Kraków, the centre of Slavic studies in Poland, a  group of scholars associated with a  Jagiellonian University professor  – Henryk Batowski  – took steps which led to the creation of the first local branch of the association. During his visit in Poland in July 1945, Aleksandr Gundorov, a Soviet activist, recommended the creation of the Polish Committee. He was invited by the Provisional Government of National Unity to take part in the commemoration of the 535th (five hundred thirty fifth) anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald. The most intense period of the operations of the Slavic Committee was between 1945 and 1949, when the committee conducted cultural and educational activities on a great scale. Special attention was accorded to conducting and celebrating public holidays, and historical anniversaries important for Slavs. The committee also organized – with great attention to detail – exhibitions, artistic performances, radio shows, and lectures promoting other Slavic countries. During that time the committee had been heavily involved in the Sorb issue. The involvement was motivated by a  broad attention to the problem of the Polish society, and the nation’s strong support in reference to the requirements of the Sorbs. Apart from the element of the strengthening of Slavic unity, it was also a great moment to highlight and explain the defeat of the Third Reich. It is worthwhile to mention that the Committee had its own press organ  – Życie Słowiańskie (Eng. Slavic Life) magazine. The monthly appeared between 1946 and 1953. a total of 84 issues were edited and published. An issue contained about 60 pages. Henryk Batowski was the first editor of the magazine. He held this function between 1946 and 1951. Jerzy Woźnicki was the second and, at the same time, the last edit‑ The magazine consisted of two parts. The first one contained articles about the history of Slavic countries (for example, the Soviet Union, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia). The content published in the second part was related to Poland. It had the form of short information materials, grouped into regular sections. They included: Kronika polityczna, kulturalna i  gospodarcza (Eng. The Political, Cultural and Eco‑ nomic Chronicle) and Przegląd książek i  czasopism słowiańskich (Eng. An Overview of Slavic Books and Magazines). Reports on the current activity of the Committee were also printed. Sometimes sports news and information on arts was provided. Texts were mainly written by the members of the Committee management. Officially, the editorial team of the magazine was supposed to make sure that the annual number of published materials on individual Slavic countries was similar. However, most of the published texts were in fact related to the Soviet Union and the Polish -Russian cultural coopera‑ tion. These were typical propaganda articles, full of lofty slogans praising the alliance with the Soviet Union. In the early 1950s the international cultural exchange has been severely limited. Until that point these activities were in the scope of the Slavic Committee. However, mainly as a result of a Soviet -Yugoslav conflict they were shifted to the Committee of International Cultural Collaboration (established in June 1950). The Soviet -Yugoslav conflict ruined the conception of Slavic unity

    Państwowe szkolnictwo gimnazjalne w Krakowie w okresie autonomii galicyjskiej

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    Bracia czescy w dawnej Polsce : działalność literacka, teksty, recepcja

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    Bracia czescy, którzy wyłonili się z ruchu husyckiego, swą pierwszą gminę utworzyli w 1457 roku we wsi Krunwald we wschodnich Czechach. Za datę utworzenia tak zwanej Jednoty Brackiej przyjmuje się jednak rok 1467, kiedy to wyświęcono pierwszego biskupa (seniora). Ten ruch religijny, który wskrzesił ideologię taborytów, opierał się, znacznie upraszczając, na autorytecie Pisma Świętego, ewangelicznych zasadach ubóstwa i równości, potępieniu wszelkiej przemocy, surowym i pobożnym życiu, wypełnionym czytaniem Biblii oraz na sprawnej organizacji Kościoła. Doktryna Jednoty obejmowała także ideę irenizmu, która pozwalała na współpracę z innymi Kościołami protestanckimi. Znalazło to wyraz zwłaszcza w zbliżeniu programowym, organizacyjnym i ideowym z kalwinizmem. W 1535 roku bracia zredagowali i wydali po czesku wyznanie wiary. Bracia czescy, ktorzy szczególnym kultem darzyli książki i czytelnictwo, zasłużyli się zwłaszcza dla rozwoju nauki i kultury. Jednota wcześnie dostrzegła ogromną rolę słowa drukowanego, a słynna Biblia kralicka słusznie została nazwana „złotą biblią” kultury czeskiej. Należy również wspomnieć, iż bracia czescy byli zwolennikami jak najszerzej rozumianej zgody w świecie protestanckim i gotowi byli poprzeć wszystkie prowadzące ku niej poczynania. Ireniczna postawa prezentowana konsekwentnie przez polski kościoł jednoty przyczyniła się w istotny sposob do pokojowego w istocie kształtowania się stosunków w obrębie polskiego obozu protestanckiego i pozwoliła mu uniknąć wielu tych niekorzystnych raf, ktore były udziałem kościołów reformacyjnych w innych krajach